RBC Royal Bank
If you have a complaint, we can help you resolve it. We encourage you to collect all the relevant information and contact us through one of the following methods.
If you are an existing client, you can use RBC’s Message Centre to contact us by selecting “Send a Secure Message” on the right side of the page.
Sign into Online Banking
For complaints associated with Creditor Insurance (HomeProtector, LoanProtector etc), please contact us as follows:
RBC Insurance Services Inc.
Toll-free: 1-800-769-2523
RBC Royal Bank Complaint Handling Process
Our employees are often able to resolve a complaint quickly and effectively. In situations where you don’t feel satisfied with the response you have received, you can ask to be referred to a manager.
If a manager is unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, you can ask to escalate your complaint. We will ensure that it is forwarded to the Client Care team on your behalf.
Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of the review performed by Client Care, they will present you with an option to appeal your complaint to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office (CCAO). The RBC CCAO is the most senior designated office appointed to address escalated complaints within RBC. If you choose to do so, we will forward your complaint on your behalf to the RBC CCAO.
You may submit your unresolved concern directly to the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) if:
- RBC has exhausted the 56-calendar-day prescribed period for dealing with your complaint, or
- You are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the most senior designated officer at RBC (the CCAO)
You have up to 180 calendar days to submit your complaint to OBSI after receiving a final response from RBC, or if 56 calendar days have passed since your complaint was made.
OBSI is an industry Ombudsman that operates independently from banks. Its services are free of charge to those making a complaint. OBSI is regulated as an external complaints body by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).
If you would like to learn more about our complaint handling process, click here:
How to Make a Complaint Brochure
RBC Royal Mutual Funds Inc.
If you have a complaint, we can help you resolve it. We encourage you to collect all the relevant information and contact us through one of the following methods.
If you are an existing client, you can use RBC’s Message Centre to contact us by selecting “Send a Secure Message” on the right side of the page.
Sign into Online Banking
RBC Royal Mutual Funds Inc. Complaint Handling Process
We are often able to resolve a complaint quickly and effectively if given the opportunity to hear from you.
If you are not satisfied with the response you received, you can ask to escalate your complaint. We will ensure that your complaint is forwarded to the appropriate department on your behalf.
Should you still be dissatisfied with the outcome of the review performed, you can escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI); or the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) if you reside outside Quebec; or the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) if you reside in Quebec. You can also pursue legal action.
You also have the option to appeal your complaint to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office (CCAO), which is the most senior designated office appointed to address escalated complaints within RBC. If you choose to do so, we will forward your complaint on your behalf to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office (CCAO).
You may submit your unresolved concern directly to the OBSI, CIRO or AMF, as applicable, without going to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office.
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
P.O. Box 8
Toronto, ON M5H 3R3
Toll-free telephone: 1-888-451-4519
Toll-free fax: 1-888-422-2865
Email: ombudsman@obsi.ca
obsi.ca(External site for RBC opens in new window)
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO)
Visit www.ciro.ca(External site for RBC opens in new window) and complete secure form or downloadable form
Fax at 1-888-497-6172
Telephone: 1-877-442-4322
Email: info@ciro.ca
CIRO How to Make a Complaint(External site for RBC opens in new window)
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
Place de la Cité, tour Cominar
2640 boulevard Laurier, bureau 400
Québec, QC G1V 5C1
Telephone: 418-525-0337 or 514-395-0337
Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337
Fax: 418-525-9512 or 514-873-3090
lautorite.qc.ca(External site for RBC opens in new window)
Please refer to the following for additional details and contact information:
RBC Insurance
If you have a complaint, we can help you resolve it. We encourage you to collect all the relevant information and contact us through one of the following methods:
Life & Health: RBC Life Insurance Company
Toll-free: 1-800-461-1413
Travel: RBC Insurance Company of Canada
Toll-free: 1-800-263-8944
Property & Auto: RBC Insurance Agency Ltd.
Toll-free: 1-800-769-2526
For Complaints associated with Creditor Insurance (HomeProtector, LoanProtector etc) ,please direct your complaint through RBC Royal Bank.
RBC Insurance Complaint handling process
Our employees are often able to resolve a complaint quickly and effectively if given the opportunity to hear from you. In situations where you still don’t feel satisfied with the response you have received, you can ask to be referred to a manager.
If you are not satisfied with the response you received, ask to escalate your complaint. We will ensure that it is forwarded to the appropriate Client Care team on your behalf.
Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of the review performed by the Client Care team, you will be provided with the option to appeal your complaint to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office, which is the most senior designated office appointed to address escalated complaints within RBC. We will forward your complaint on your behalf to the RBC Client Complaints Appeal Office.
If you would like to learn more about our complaint handling process: How to make a complaint Brochure(opens pdf in new window)