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Financial review
Other information
Management's discussion and analysis Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity
Management's responsibility for financial reporting Consolidated statement of cash flows
Auditors' report Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated financial statements and notes
Consolidated statement of income Supplemenatry information
For the year ended October 31 (C$ millions) 2004 2003 2002
Preferred shares
Balance at beginning of year $ 832 $ 1,545 $ 2,024
Redeemed for cancellation (645 ) (468 )
Translation adjustment on shares denominated in foreign currency (68 ) (11 )
Balance at end of year 832 832 1,545
Common shares
Balance at beginning of year 7,018 6,979 6,940
Issued 127 193 191
Purchased for cancellation (157 ) (154 ) (152 )
Balance at end of year 6,988 7,018 6,979
Additional paid-in capital
Balance at beginning of year 85 78 33
Renounced stock appreciation rights, net of related income taxes 31
Stock-based compensation awards 56 7 14
Reclassified amounts 34
Other (6 )
Balance at end of year 169 85 78
Retained earnings
Balance at beginning of year 11,333 10,235 9,206
Net income 2,817 3,005 2,762
Preferred share dividends (45 ) (68 ) (98 )
Common share dividends (1,303 ) (1,137 ) (1,022 )
Premium paid on common shares purchased for cancellation (735 ) (698 ) (612 )
Issuance costs, net of related income taxes (4 ) (1 )
Cumulative effect of adopting AcG 17, Equity-Linked Deposit Contracts,   net of related income taxes (2 )
Balance at end of year 12,065 11,333 10,235
Treasury stock
Reclassified amounts (304 )
Net sales 10
Balance at end of year (294 )
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of related income taxes
Balance at beginning of year (893 ) (54 ) (38 )
Change in unrealized foreign currency translation gains and losses (1,341 ) (2,988 ) (59 )
Impact of hedging unrealized foreign currency translation gains and losses 678 2,149 43
Balance at end of year (1,556 ) (893 ) (54 )
Shareholders' equity at end of year $ 18,204   $ 18,375   $ 18,783


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