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Sustainable Bonds Overview
The RBC Sustainable Bond Framework(PDF opens in a new window) allows for the issuance of Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds.
The issuance of Green, Social and/or Sustainability Bonds is one way that we are looking to advance sustainable finance and support our ability to finance projects and organizations that are contributing to a sustainable future.
RBC Green Bonds: Proceeds will be applied to eligible green assets.
Eligible Green Categories
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Pollution prevention and control
- Clean transportation
- Sustainable land use
- Sustainable water and wastewater management
- Green buildings
- Climate adaptation and resilience
RBC Social Bonds: Proceeds will be applied to eligible social assets.
Eligible Social Categories
- Access to essential services
- Affordable housing
- Indigenous communities and businesses
- Women-owned businesses
- Leadership in diversity and inclusion
RBC Sustainability Bonds: Proceeds will be applied to eligible green and social assets.
Sustainable Commercial Paper Overview
The RBC Sustainable Commercial Paper Framework(PDF opens in a new window) allows for the issuance of Sustainable Commercial Paper.
The issuance of Sustainable Commercial Paper builds on our support for the growth of the sustainable finance market and facilitates RBC’s ability to fund organizations and projects that are contributing to environmental or social benefits.
RBC Sustainable Commercial Paper: Proceeds will be applied to eligible green and social assets.
Additional Resources
- RBC Sustainable Commercial Paper Report 2023(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Sustainable Bond Second-Party Opinion Report(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Sustainable Commercial Paper Second Party Opinion Report(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Report 2023(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Report 2022(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Report 2021(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Report 2020(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Report 2019(PDF opens in a new window)
- RBC Green Bond Framework(PDF opens in a new window)