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Past Challenges

Since 2006, RBC has empowered Canada’s next generation of business leaders to make their mark through the Next Great Innovator Challenge. We’ve inspired their creativity with these Challenge questions:

Spring 2013: "Build an innovative prototype for a mobile, tablet, web or desktop app that utilizes the power of social to seamlessly integrate banking into the daily lives of our clients."

2012: “Describe an innovation that will enable a specific RBC business to leverage social networking to deliver either greater results, enhanced client experience or improved productivity.”

2011: “Describe an innovation that will transform how Financial Services organizations help Canadians achieve financial security.”

2010: “Suggest an innovation that will be critical to Canadian Financial Services in 2015.”

2009: “Suggest innovative methods or tactics to transform the workplace to match the needs of an evolving and increasingly diverse workforce.”

2008: “Suggest an Innovative concept, product or process from another region or different industry that Canadian Financial Services providers should adopt.”

2007: “Describe an innovation, idea or concept that Canadian FI’s should consider to make it easier for clients to do business with us.”

2006: “How will today’s teens influence the financial services industry in Canada?”

Expand 2013 Spring Technical Challenge Winners

Expand 2012 Keystone Winners

Expand Past Winners

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