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RBCxMusic Preferred Tickets

Only for RBC Customers

Visit to see full list of shows where RBCxMusic Preferred Tickets are on offer.
When you land on the Artist Event Page, look for the "Type" icon to sort by RBCxMusic Preferred Tickets.
Scroll through the available RBCxMusic Preferred Tickets inventory and click "Unlock" to unlock these tickets.
The pop-up will ask you for your Unique Offer Code, which you can retrieve by following the blue hyperlink at the bottom of the window.
Select "I'm an RBC client" and then "Continue"
Type in your RBC Online Banking credentials and click "Sign In"
Verify your information and press "Continue"
Your six-digit unique offer code will be displayed. Click "Copy Code".
Return to the Ticketmaster pop-up window on the Artist Event Page and paste (CTRL+V) six-digit alphanumeric code into the field. Click "Unlock".
Congrats! You have successfully unlocked the RBCxMusic Preferred Tickets. Note: Your offer code is valid for a maximum of four (4) tickets.